by Christin Howard
I want to talk about white privilege. We hear about it all the time
and yet I consistently run into white people who believe it doesn’t
exist. This disbelief, in my optimistic opinion, is often caused by a
fundamental misunderstanding of what white privilege means and how it
affects the American population.
The anti-political correctness movement generally posits that we live
in a post-racial society and that we have begun to swing to the other
extreme in an effort to be PC.
My goal here is to simply explain what white privilege is and to
demonstrate that discrimination against black people, both on a small
scale and more importantly on a systematic and often-unconscious level,
is still a huge issue.
The confusion people often run into is this: I am white and yet I
don’t feel as though I have any special privileges. I still struggle. I
am not rich, happy, or comfortable. Just because I am white and
struggle, since I myself do not experience this privilege, it must not
This logical jump can be best disproved if we think of privilege not
as a positive (the gaining of something), but simply as the standard.
This means that white privilege is simply the condition of being allowed
a fair chance at success in society.
White privilege is the norm while minority groups live in the absence
of this fair chance. If you lived your whole life with a certain
standard of fair social living, it is perfectly reasonable to assume
that you would not notice that this standard is not equally shared with
all members of society.
White privilege means that your race does not negatively affect your
overall experience of life. It means that the system has been
constructed for your benefit. It does not mean you will have a good
life; it just means that your race is not one of the factors that
contributes to any sort of destitution or struggle you may experience.
This is hard for some people to grasp because society has agreed that
racism is a bad thing. This means you are not allowed to be outright
racist. Many people mistakenly conflate this with the death of racism.
However, it is important for us to remember that Jim Crow was only
abolished 40 years ago, and so those same issues of systematic and
internalized racism that existed then have lingered into the 21st
century, and there are statistics to prove it.
Let’s start with job discrimination. A study published by John
Nunley, Nicholas Romero, Richard Seals and Adam Pugh for the Auburn
University Department of Economics found that job applicants with “black
sounding names” were a whopping 16 percent less likely to get called in
to interview for a job than their white counterparts, even when their
resumes were otherwise identical.
Housing discrimination is also an issue. A new report from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development found that when searching
for a new home to rent, black people are shown 17 percent fewer
available homes than white people.
The biggest issue is the hugely disproportionate numbers of black
citizens (especially black males) who are currently incarcerated.
According to the Bureau of Justice, in 2009 black people accounted for
39.4 percent of the prison population while whites accounted for only 34
percent. Blacks make up only 12.3 percent of the American population
while whites make up a 63 percent. This means that the incarceration
rate for black people is over six times higher than that of white
Now, many racists claim that this is just because black people are
somehow more naturally violent or prone to crime. Let’s examine that
claim further.
New York City recently lost a federal civil rights lawsuit about
their stop-and-frisk policies because the NYPD stopped over 500,000
people annually without any indication a crime was committed. Of those
stopped, 80 percent were black or Latino.
In addition, black drivers are 31 percent more likely to be pulled
over than white drivers. Black drivers are searched by police at traffic
stops two times more than white drivers.
Additionally, 15 percent of all inmates in the United States are
jailed on drug-related offenses. Of this 15 percent, 32.6 percent is
white and 38.4 percent is black. Again, when adjusted for differences in
black and white population, black people are six times more likely to
get arrested and incarcerated for drug offenses.
Almost half of these drug arrests are due to marijuana. According to a
2010 study by the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse and Health,
despite the fact that marijuana use among blacks and whites remains
constant, black people are 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for
marijuana possession than their white peers.
According to the Department of Justice, African Americans account for
24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being
just 13 percent of the U.S. population. Again, clearly
Now these statistics show that today America is still a racist
society. If you are black you are more likely to have trouble finding
housing and getting a job. You are more likely to be pulled over,
searched, arrested, incarcerated and shot. But what about the fact that
crime rates are in fact disproportionately higher in black urban areas?
Poverty affects black citizens disproportionately. In 2008, the
Bureau of Justice found that 34 percent of black children were living in
poverty while only 10 percent of white children shared the same
Blacks are more likely to live in what are called high-poverty census
track neighborhoods. This means neighborhoods where most people are
Living in a very poor area means many unfortunate outcomes. It means
schools are most likely underfunded and understaffed, making it
difficult to get a good education. It means violence and crime is likely
to be higher and thus easier to take part in. This simply means that
for a poor black child growing up in a poor black area, it is incredibly
difficult to achieve any upward mobility and ascend out of poverty and
Combine that with the higher incarceration and high stop-and-frisk
rates, you have a recipe for high crime rates among a minority group. To
underscore that, black and white crime rates in middle and upper class
neighborhoods remain the same.
This was no accident. During the Jim Crow era America was
systematically set up to segregate black people to ghettos in which they
were not given proper access to education, health care and food.
When you think about racism in America, it is important to remember
that our society was fundamentally constructed out of slavery and then
segregation. Yes we, as society, agree that racism is bad today but that
does not mean that the systematic issues which have plagued our country
since its inception have somehow been eradicated.
If you are white and reading this, I urge you to consider these
facts. Saying that you have white privilege does not mean that you are
somehow a bad person or have led an easy life; it simply means that
these statistics don’t apply to you.
You do not have to worry about
being discriminated against based on your race from employers, realtors,
police and justices. It means that you have not had to contend with the
systematic oppression of your race throughout your lifetime.
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