Tuesday 12 April 2016

ONE News poll: Kiwis overwhelmingly support use of medical marijuana

Ryan Boswell

Paul Holmes and Martin Crowe used marijuana to manage pain during their illnesses, despite it being illegal.

Close up of Cannabis
Source: ONE News

Now new poll results show the majority of New Zealanders are now in favour of the use of medical marijuana.
The latest ONE News Colmar Brunton poll asked "Do you support or oppose the use of marijuana for medical purposes?"
Seventy-three per cent of people said they supported medical marijuana use, 21 per cent opposed it and six per cent were unsure.
Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne says he's not surprised by the results.
'It works' - Toni Street says sick people should be able to use medicinal marijuana
Toni says every day it is not legal children who could be getting better are suffering seizures.
Toni says every day it is not legal children who could be getting better are suffering seizures.
Source: Seven Sharp
"I think that's about where I think public opinion is and in fact I would've voted 'yes' in the poll too," he says.
Mr Dunne says the government hopes to make more medical marijuana products available to Kiwis and is watching for the results of Australian research.
"I would expect the results of those [tests] would be available in a year or two and that's the point at which we can see if they've been approved in Australia and look to do likewise here."

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