Saturday 9 April 2016

Hundreds expected at cannabis picnic in Sydney to demand drug’s decriminalisation

Director of Unharm, Will Tregoning, an organisation that campaigns for pragmatic alternatives to current drug policies, at the inaugural Free Cannabis NSW picnic in January 2016. Picture: Supplied.

POT protesters say they will risk arrest for the right to have a toke at a “cannabis picnic” to be held today in Sydney.
The “possibility of cannabis smoke in the air” could draw hundreds to Camperdown’s Victoria Park in the city’s inner west, say organisers, to enjoy “chilled tunes and a family friendly vibe”.

But a police presence is guaranteed with marijuana still firmly on the list of banned substances.
Paul Lawrence isn’t put off the puff by the prospect of breaking the law despite the fact he was arrested at the last picnic, in January.

Terminally ill with cancer, and with large and visible spinal tumours across his back, Mr Lawrence was charged with possessing less than a gram of cannabis.

“I will again be attending despite my arrest,” he said. “Only a sick state and a sick government and police force would arrest and charge an ill man like me.

“The prohibition of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational use does far more damage to society than someone like me having a quiet smoke with friends.”

Some of the tumours on Peter: Lawrence’s back. He uses pot to manage the pain. Picture: Supplied.
Some of the tumours on Peter: Lawrence’s back. He uses pot to manage the pain. Picture: Supplied.Source:Supplied

It’s estimated 750,000 people use cannabis every week in Australia.

In a Roy Morgan poll released in late 2015, 91 per cent of Australians surveyed said they would support the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal purposes, with the most enthusiastic support coming from those aged over 50.

Director of Free Cannabis NSW and Queensland, and the picnic’s organiser, Chris Hindi, told the event was about changing stereotypes.

“There’s a stigma that cannabis users are lazy, slow and dopey but the majority of people aren’t; they’re lawyers, doctors and accountants.

“A lot of people are closet users.”

The NSW Government announced a $12 million Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research and Innovation last year and a $9 million series of trials of cannabis based medicines aimed at improving the quality of life of adults with terminal illnesses, children with epilepsy and to combat the side effects of chemotherapy.

While Mr Hindi welcomed the move he said it didn’t go far enough.

“They are moving very slowly. We want to realise full decriminalisation but it’s going to be your last dying chance to access cannabis.”

Despite concerns from some in the medical profession that sustained cannabis use can lead to serious health conditions, Mr Hindi said there was no justification for the current prohibition on pot.

“From what we know, there is no real detriment or side effects from cannabis use.

“Some say it will cause psychosis but we really don’t know that until we know more about it [so] why are we prosecuting good people?”

The NSW Government has announced a medical cannabis trial. Picture: AFP PHOTO / JACK GUEZ
The NSW Government has announced a medical cannabis trial. Picture: AFP PHOTO / JACK GUEZSource:AFP

Mr Hindi said Uruguay and the Netherlands, where cannabis has been decriminalised, or Canada, where laws against recreational use were rarely enforced, were good models to follow.

But he recognised the laws in Australia would take time to change.

“We just want police to use their discretionary powers. We’re a bunch of good people, we’re not saying let us smoke bongs in the street, [we’re not] robbing or stealing [we’re] just sitting in a park.
“It’s a victim less crime.”

Nevertheless, it is still a crime as Mr Hindi found out when at the last picnic he was arrested. He was later charged for self-admitting cannabis, legal jargon for taking a drag on a joint, and possessing 0.9 grams of a banned substance, which was later reduced to 0.3 grams.

He came away with a fine of almost $400 and a criminal record. But his run in with the laws doesn’t deter him.

“I’d hate to be arrested [but] it’s a risk I’m willing to take over and over again.”

In a statement, NSW Police said they recognised and supported individuals and groups to exercise their rights of free speech and peaceful assembly.

“This means we need to balance the rights of citizens to hold peaceful assemblies with other rights, including the safety and security of the community.”

A further cannabis picnic is due to be held in Broadbeach, on the Gold Coast, on June 19.

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