Saturday 2 April 2016

Florida Authorizes Medical Marijuana Access for Terminally Ill

Florida Authorizes Medical Marijuana Access for Terminally Ill

TALLAHASSEE, FL —  Republican Gov. Rick Scott has signed legislation into law permitting the use of medicinal cannabis to terminally ill patients.

House Bill 307 expands the state’s so-called ‘Right to Try Act’ – legislation that permits terminally ill patients to experiment with non-FDA approved remedies – to include the use of medicinal cannabis.

Under the new law, which took immediate effect, patients diagnosed with no more than 12 months to live are eligible to access both low-THC and high-THC strains of cannabis.

The measure also seeks to expand a 2014 law intended to provide low-THC varieties of cannabis to patients with pediatric epilepsy, chronic muscle spasms, or cancer. However, this law is not yet operational.

This November, Florida voters will decide on Amendment 2, a constitutional amendment to permit the physician-authorized use and state-licensed distribution of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

According to Public Policy Polling data released earlier this month, 65 percent of voters endorse the plan and only 28 percent oppose it.

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