Friday 1 April 2016

Autistic Kids To Smoke Marijuana; is Cocaine Next?

By Anthony Cerullo

An upcoming talk in Grand Rapids, MI has brought up an interesting topic. The use of medical marijuana to treat autistic children. The group, made of parents, doctors and lawyers think the drug  is beneficial for a number of reasons. If only they could find the same conclusion with cocaine.


The facts showing that marijuana has many health benefits is far past the topic of debate. However, the effects it has on autistic people is still being studied. A group will meet in Grand Rapids to discuss treatment on April 7. Attorney Michael Komorn, Dr. Christian Bogner, and other parents of autistic children will make up this group to discuss this controversial topic.


There aren’t many facts out there to support the use of marijuana on autistic children. However, that is increasing every day. One example of this is the son of Jim Powers. Jim Powers, the moderator, has said his son uses marijuana to help with a health condition. Powers continued to say that both doctors and patients should have the choice of using marijuana as a form of treatment. Still, some seem to disagree. Mike Zimmer for example, will not add autism to the list of conditions that qualify patients.

He believes there aren’t enough hard facts to back up this topic. That’s true, but others are having a more open mind. Jim Powers also thinks the drug will have negative effects on the  brain of autistic children. If the group comes to  an agreement, will this lead the way for legalizing other drugs like cocaine?


According to a recent poll, more than half of American voters support legalizing pot. However, when it comes to cocaine, they are hardly as excited. Cocaine isn’t the only one that may never see the likes of freedom. The same study showed that voters were strongly against  hallucinogenic drugs. Even if it was for medical use. Many studies have shown the benefits of drugs like LSD, MDMA, cocaine and others. Still,  America seems pretty certain about keeping those drugs controlled.

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