Robert Morton
This is not a good thing for our country.
Those in favor of its use claim that it is not harmful, it will bring in more tax revenues, it will save money because we won’t be using law enforcement resources to eradicate it, and we won’t be making criminals out of people who only want to use it recreationally.
To me, though, it is a further sign of the diminishing morals of our country. That sounds judgmental and prudish to some. What harm does marijuana do? Why regulate something that costs us so much in law enforcement resources and makes criminals out of decent people who are otherwise productive and law abiding?
I think that our country, though, is in bad shape because of the general decline in morality. Our illegitimacy rate is over 30 percent and has been for a long time. The divorce rate is as high as 50 percent. Pop stars use ever increasingly shocking antics to get attention setting a terrible example for our youth.
Much of the rap music popular today encourages the degradation of women and makes enemies out of the police. The use of internet pornography is out of control damaging relationships and furthering people’s perception of the opposite sex as objects of pleasure instead of human beings to be loved and cherished. The list goes on and on.
The legalization of marijuana is one more symptom of this decline.
The only reason to use marijuana is to get high. One can drink a beer and not be drunk but one cannot smoke a joint without getting high. Inhibitions are lowered, causing users to make foolish decisions.
Prolonged use creates a lack of motivation and a general disinclination to be productive. Getting high is a way to escape reality which only amplifies current problems and creates new ones.
Do we really want a nation that considers this acceptable behavior?
I don’t. The Bible tells us not to be drunk with alcohol. The same command applies to marijuana. Christians should not use it.
Society should not accept it. It is more damaging that its proponents are willing to admit. I fear, though, that we will continue down this road to our detriment.
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