Friday, 4 March 2016

New Research Debunks Age-Old Myth That Marijuana Causes Depression

And scientists are investigating some potential new benefits.

The jury is still out on the link between marijuana and mental health, but one study says chemicals found in pot might help relieve symptoms of depression.
People who regularly use pot are more frequently diagnosed with depression than those who don’t, but according to Dr. Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, that doesn’t mean marijuana causes depression.
In fact, a study from researchers at the University at Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions suggests marijuana my help alleviate symptoms of depression.
“Chronic stress is one of the major causes of depression,” researcher Samir Haj-Dahmane said in a Feb. 4 press release. “Using compounds derived from cannabis — marijuana — to restore normal endocannabinoid function could potentially help stabilize moods and ease depression.”
Despite the early findings, Haj-Dahmane said it’s too early to start prescribing marijuana to depressed people. He said tests have not yet been done on humans, saying there is a “long way to go” before results are conclusive. Researchers have, however, seen that marijuana has helped some people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
What scientists are pretty sure about is that using pot doesn’t make you depressed.
"It's likely that the genetic, environmental, or other factors that trigger depression also lead to marijuana use," Hall-Flavin wrote. "Some people with depression may use marijuana as a way to detach from their depressive symptoms. Heavy users may appear depressed as a result of the dulling effects of the drug on feelings and emotions."
A survey of more than 4,000 adults by the Center for Epidemiological Studies found that marijuana use does not make someone more or less likely to be depressed, though it may be linked to other psychological disorders.
As scientists chip away at the mental health effects of pot, state lawmakers are chipping away at the barriers to accessing it for medical use. Depending on what the results are, many more people in many more states could find themselves with a new prescription.

That said, there’s pretty clear evidence that marijuana consumption harms young people, and like with any drug, the benefits don't necessarily outweigh the risks.

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