Thursday, 3 March 2016

Marijuana activists plan massive White House cannabis demonstration

written by Emily Gray Brosious

Civil disobedience, stoner style

The D.C. Cannabis Campaign (also known as DCMJ) has announced plans to descend on the White House front gates April 2 for a massive demonstration calling on President Obama to reschedule cannabis, as reported by SFGate.

“Due to popular demand, we’re rescheduling 4/20 this year to 4/2 because Obama’s been a BIG ZERO on cannabis reform,” DCMJ’s call to action reads.

Marijuana is currently classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule 1 drug, which is defined under the Controlled Substances Act as the most dangerous category of drugs with no legitimate medical use.

DCMJ is calling on marijuana supporters across the country to join up on April 2 at 4:20 p.m. outside the White House to participate in a “mass-consumption of cannabis” and demand Obama remove marijuana from the DEA’s list of Schedule 1 drugs.

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