Steve Rabey
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Stanley brothers pose for a photograph during a party in December 2014.
Back row, left to right: J. Austin, Jordan, Jared; front row: Jesse,
Joel, Jon Stanley. Photo courtesy of Stanley brothers
The Stanley brothers, all six of whom attended Colorado Springs Christian School, saw God’s hand at work when some local parents found that giving the dark oil to their epileptic children ended their violent seizures.
“That’s when it really sank in,” said Joel Stanley, the eldest of the brothers. “This is not a fluke. This is not going away. There is a purpose to everything under the sun, including the marijuana plant.”
Word got out, and over the next year and a half, more than 500 families relocated to Colorado. These “medical refugees” strained family bonds and budgets to give their kids Charlotte’s Web, not available legally in many states.
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of Caring CEO Heather Jackson, left, visits with Danette Bussey and her
daughter Alexa on a
recent visit to Colorado from New Jersey. Alexa has epilepsy and they came to the state for CBD oil.
Photo courtesy of Nichole Montanez
recent visit to Colorado from New Jersey. Alexa has epilepsy and they came to the state for CBD oil.
Photo courtesy of Nichole Montanez
The Stanleys, along with two of the initial parents, Paige Figi and Heather Jackson, founded a nonprofit called Realm of Caring to help the relocated families. Most of Realm’s $600,000-plus annual budget is funded with profits from the family business, CW Botanicals.
The morality of marijuana
Serving medical refugees wasn’t enough. Jackson and Figi decided to help parents change laws in their home states so everyone could return home with the extract. Before they knew it, these pioneering marijuana moms had helped change laws in 19 states in 18 months: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Idaho’s governor vetoed the bill there.
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Figi waits for the school bus with her 9-year-old daughter, Charlotte.
Charlotte has Dravet syndrome and is using CBD oil to treat her
seizures. She is now able to attend school for the first time in her
life. Photo courtesy of Nichole Montanez
Stacey Mobley, minister of the church of Christ of Colorado Springs, an independent, Bible-based congregation, said members support Jackson’s work.
“God made the plant, and said in Genesis 1:31 that everything he made was very good,” said Mobley, who opposes recreational marijuana. “We are firsthand witnesses of its benefits in the providential healing of Zaki, and I believe Heather is driven by obligation because she is a Christian to do good to all.”
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U.S. Sen.
Cory Gardner of Colorado introduces the Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access
Act in
Washington, D.C., on May 13, 2015. Left to right behind him are
Paige Figi, U.S. Rep. Scott Perry,
Annette Maughan, Heather Jackson,
Haley Smith, Lisa Smith and Liz Gorman. Photo courtesy of
“This was our first indication that we can actually do this,” said Jackson, a churchgoing Christian who will speak this April at Q, a national conference in Denver designed to help Christian leaders address contemporary culture.
‘Christ commands us to care for the sick’
Charlotte’s Web was named after Paige Figi’s 9-year-old daughter, Charlotte, who has Dravet syndrome.In 2015, Paige Figi, who was raised Catholic and had no previous experience in social movements, founded the Coalition for Access Now to lobby nationwide.
“I’m not an activist,” said Figi. “I’m very introverted. I don’t like the spotlight. I’m just the mother of a sick kid who is looking for best treatment with the least side effects.
“But I was seeing Charlotte’s story over and over. Kids were walking out of wheelchairs. Doctors were astounded. After witnessing all this with my own eyes, I realized I couldn’t stand idly by and do nothing.”
Figi has made friends in statehouses across the country, including Georgia state Rep. Allen Peake.
“She’s the godmother of this movement, and I’m privileged to be working alongside her,” said Peake, who championed his state’s medical marijuana bill known as Haleigh’s Hope Act, which was signed into law in April 2015.
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Figi talks with Sen. Cory Gardner, left, and Rep. Scott Perry in
Washington, D.C., on May 13, 2015. Photo courtesy of Nichole Montanez
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to give them access,” said Peake, who condemns the “lunacy” of federal drug laws that “make criminals out of parents and citizens who only want medicine to improve the quality of their lives.”
Pot prohibitionists
Federal drug laws dating to the Nixon administration group marijuana with other Schedule I drugs such as heroin and LSD that have “a high potential for abuse” and “no currently accepted medical use.”Charlotte’s Web doesn’t make patients “high.” It’s low in THC, the psychoactive ingredient that gives pot its buzz, but is high in CBD, which has healing properties. The needed CBD can be extracted from hemp, marijuana’s non-druggy industrial cousin, so Peake has introduced legislation to allow Georgia to grow hemp.
Many Protestant groups, including mainline Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans and Episcopalians, support some form of medical marijuana, but most evangelicals remain pot prohibitionists, like their anti-alcohol ancestors of a century ago.
Peake’s hemp cultivation bill is opposed by the Georgia Baptist Convention, which views hemp legalization as an incremental step toward liberalized drug laws. The GBC’s spokesman called medical marijuana an oxymoron, similar to “jumbo shrimp,” and the GBC’s “Resolution on the Dangers of Marijuana” describes pot as a gateway to further drug abuse, addiction, health problems, psychosis and crime.
Colorado’s medical marijuana moms now aim to change federal law. Last May, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado, introduced the Coalition for Access Now’s Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2015 in the U.S. Senate. Senate bill 1333 has already attracted dozens of co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle.
“We’re not promoting recreational marijuana,” said Paige Figi. “We’re trying to fix a mistake in our laws. This is how the American system of government works.”
Meanwhile, new medical refugees keep arriving. Danette Bussey and daughter Alexa recently visited Realm of Caring from New Jersey, where medical marijuana is available but not CBD oil.
“Our doctor told us our best hope is to go to Colorado,” she said.
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